
The Leierstuff is a great alternative to the usual courses that almost every school in the whole world offers. The famous Leierstuff is working based on the goal to get students to work and expand their knowledge all by themselves!  

  1. The students get assigned four different assignments from four different classes.
  2. The students have a certain time limit to complete their assignments.If they‘re not completed they have to be done as homework.
  3. The students receive the solution on a sheet of paper which can be used after finishing the work. 
  4. The students have the option to upgrade to get rewards such as choosing their spot of work. 
  5. A downgrade can also happen. 
  6. The different grades are: Beginner, Advanced and Pro which all have their personal benefits.

The main goal is creating a awesome atmosphere to work in and to enhance the personal skills of every student.


Im ersten Jahr war der Blog Teil des Léierstuff Konzepts. Das bedeutete, dass wir nach den Pflichtaufgaben der Léierstuff an unseren Blogs arbeiteten. Die Blogarbeiten wurden schriftlich, bildlich oder in einem Video gemacht.

Dieses Jahr ist es jedoch anders: wir werden nicht mehr in den Léierstuff Stunden am Blog arbeiten, sondern ausserhalb der Stunden in den jeweiligen Fächern.